VenusOn 20 May 2023 I gave Venus another attempt. Seeing again was not great, but clear skies and maximum elongation were too much a temptation. Imaging was done with the C11 EdgeHD, TeleVue 2x PowerMate, ZWO EFW mini with LRGB filters, ZWO ADC and ZWO ASI174MM. Focussing was done on Pollux using a Bahtinov-mask, the ADC was adjusted using a ZWO ASI290MC on Venus. Four movies were shot of 60 seconds and approximately 8000 frames each, 10-25% of which were stacked using AutoStakkert!3. LRGB-combine, 200% resize and adding some saturation in PSP. 13 April 2023It has been a while since I last imaged Venus. Seeing was not particularly good, so sharpness is not great. Imaging was done with the C11 EdgeHD, TeleVue 2x PowerMate, ZWO EFW mini with LRGB filters, ZWO ADC and ZWO ASI174MM. Focussing was done on Alderbaran using a Bahtinov-mask, the ADC was adjusted using a ZWO ASI290MC on Venus. Four movies were shot of 60 seconds and approximately 8000 frames each, 25% of which were stacked using AutoStakkert!3. LRGB-combine and 200% resize were done in PSP, denoise in Topaz and added some saturation in PSP again. Lacking a U-Venus filter not much detail was captured although the poles seem to be a wee bluer than the equatorial region. 9 April 2020On 9 April 2020 transparency and seeing were optimal according to MeteoBlue to image Venus. It had just had its largest elongation from the sun and was at a decent high altitude. Imaging was done using the Celestron C11 XLT EdgeHD, Televue 2 x PowerMate, ZWO ADC and ZWO ASI174MM camera. To adjust the ADC, I first mounted a ZWO ASI290MC and adjusted the ADC using ZWO ASICAP (the manufacturer's imaging software). Then I swapped the camera for the ASI174MM and took approximately 30,000 frames per RGB colour. Finally stacked 5% of the frames using AutoStakkert and pulled the curves in PSP to get some detail out. If you have any questions and/or remarks please let me know. |
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