Anti-meridian flip at InFINNity Deck

Although SGP is not capable of doing an anti-meridian flip automatically, using two events, each starting with a slew, allows to do it anyway. It is all about timing: At InFINNity Deck I can image up to half an hour through the meridian. So the first event is set-up to image up to some 5-10 minutes before the anti-meridian flip. This allows for 30-40 minutes of focus-runs. The second event is not allowed to start until a few minutes after the anti-meridian passage. The second event will thus be fired directly after the first event with 5-10 minutes at the most delay if no focusing is done before the first event finishes.
The video shows an imaging session of IC342 on 4 May 2020 from the Netherlands. Imaging continues well beyond anti-meridian (just over halfway the video) passage after which the second event causes the flip. At the end the scopes are parked and the sky brightens. The times in the upper-left corner are in UTC+2.

Ursa Major making its entry at InFINNity Deck

In the period from 19 to 23 April 2020 the skies were exceptionally clear in the Netherlands. The equipment at InFINNity Deck has been active every night, while a time-lapse camera (ZWO ASI290MC with FireCapture) kept a watchful eye over it.
The video shows six hours of automated imaging and dome control of our observatory. Halfway this time-lapse video Ursa Major (also known as the Great Bear) shows up in the shutter of the dome. At the end of the video the telescopes and dome are parked. Being not yet automated the shutter remains open.

MountWizzard3 in action at InFINNity Deck

And the following one shows MountWizzard3 in action. As MW3 currently does not support the geometry of the telescopes I was controlling the dome by hand during the run. The mount was fully controlled by MW3. Despite an increasing cloud-cover only three out of 57 plate-solves were rejected:

Here is another short time-lapse is available showing the dome and equipment during 6 hours in the night of 4 to 5 December 2019, again while imaging NGC7129:

InFINNity Deck time-lapses

At InFINNity Deck a ZWO ASI290MC, controlled by FireCapture, keeps a watchful eye over its progress during the night. Main purpose is to see if cloud cover interferes with the imaging, but some of the videos that are produced are nice enough to publish here.
The first video shows the dome in action during 6 hours in the night of 30 to 31 October 2019 while imaging NGC7129:

If you have any questions and/or remarks please let me know.

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The construction of Dome automation Time-lapses